Clean Agent

Clean Agent

DARIT Modular Automatic Clean Agent Fire Extinguisher is designed for automatic, efficient, and residue-free fire suppression in sensitive environments. Ideal for protecting high-value equipment and areas where traditional extinguishing methods could cause damage, this extinguisher provides immediate response without the need for human intervention.



Eco-friendly Clean Agent [e.g., HFC-236fa or FE-36]


[ e.g., 5/10/15kg ]

Key Features

Automatic Activation

Equipped with a heat-sensitive mechanism, the extinguisher automatically discharges the clean agent upon detecting a rise in temperature, ensuring rapid and timely fire suppression.

Clean Agent Technology

Utilizes an eco-friendly clean agent that is electrically non-conductive, leaves no residue, and is safe for use in areas with sensitive equipment, such as data centers, server rooms, and art galleries.

Zero Residue and Minimal Downtime

The clean agent evaporates quickly after discharge, leaving no residue, ensuring that sensitive equipment and valuable items remain unharmed, with minimal cleanup and operational downtime.

Compact and Versatile Design

The modular design allows for flexible installation in various orientations and locations, making it ideal for confined spaces where traditional extinguishers cannot be used effectively.

Robust and Reliable Construction

Built to last in challenging environments, the unit’s durable construction ensures longevity and consistent performance.


IS 15683

Ideal Use Cases

This extinguisher is particularly effective in safeguarding critical infrastructure such as telecommunications facilities, electrical panels, archives, and museums, where damage from conventional extinguishing methods is a concern.